Can I Get My Charges Dropped If This Is My First or Second DUI?
Many people enjoy a night out drinking with friends and family but not many enjoy being charged with drunk driving after mistakenly getting behind the wheel to drive home. It can be scary for you dealing with a DUI charge, especially if it is your first charge of any kind. It can be even more terrifying if you have previously been charged or convicted of a DUI because the penalties for repeat offenders are far more strict.
If this is your first DUI charge, there are alternative programs available that focus more on treatment than punishment you may face if convicted. While it would be rare for the prosecutor to drop your charges, there are many defenses and strategies that can be used to obtain the best possible result.
Likewise, if you’ve previously been charged with a DUI and you are facing another charge, you aren’t automatically guilty. You still have every right to defend the new charge. It’s advised, in either situation, that you consult with a DUI lawyer in order to get the results you deserve.
Will My License Be Suspended Due To My DUI?
If you are convicted or take any type of plea less than a conviction (such as a “CWOF”) for an OUI charge, your license will be suspended for a period of time. The length of that suspension will depend on the severity of your DUI, including, whether you caused an accident; whether anyone was injured; and whether you are a repeat offender. In addition, refusing to take either a breathalyzer test or blood test after your arrest is grounds to suspend your license under the Implied Consent Law.
Having a suspended license can cause stress and negatively impact your life. You won’t be able to freely go from place to place without having to arrange some method of transportation. A DUI lawyer in Massachusetts can fight to protect your rights.
What If I’ve Been Charged with Multiple DUIs in the Past?
If you have been charged with more than one DUI in the past, you may be facing significant penalties including maximum fines dictated by the court, jail time, and even the long-term suspension or revocation of your license. Any penalties you face, if convicted, can be life-changing. It is strongly advised to have a DUI attorney help you with your case in order to protect your freedom.
Can a DUI Lawyer Help Defend My Case?
It doesn’t matter if a DUI is your first, second, third, or even fourth DUI offense. Trusted DUI lawyers like the ones you can find at Contant Law, P.C. sympathize with your circumstances and know how badly a DUI can hurt your future prospects. To maximize your chances of getting your charges reduced or dropped, reach out to us at 617-227-8383 for a free consultation today.