Woburn Juvenile Defense Lawyers
Working Hard for Beneficial Results for You and Your Loved Ones
Being charged with a crime is frightening and stressful for anyone. When criminal charges are brought against a juvenile, the situation can seem overwhelming for the child and the parents. The immediate concern is about the potential punishment. The long term concern is how a conviction will impact the future.
What Should I Do Immediately After My Child Has Been Charged With a Juvenile Offense?
Your first step is to hire a criminal defense attorney with experience in juvenile defense. At Contant Law, we are criminal defense attorneys with extensive experience helping accused minors and their families successfully navigate the Massachusetts juvenile court system. As criminal defense lawyers, we are committed to advocating for the rights of the juvenile, who has all the same rights as adults. As a criminal defense attorney, the juvenile is our client – not the parent or guardian. The primary duty of the defense attorney is to protect the child in court and to protect his/her rights and record.
Can a Juvenile Crime Affect My Child’s Life?
Juvenile court is serious and needs to be taken seriously. Although there is a common misperception that juvenile issues automatically disappear from the record at age 18, that is just not true. The consequences of being found guilty in juvenile court may follow that child throughout their adult life – affecting the ability to get a loan, go to college, go to graduate school, join the military, or get a job.
What Is My Role as a Parent In My Child’s Case?
The role of the parent or guardian is to parent. Providing emotional support is the most important way you can help the criminal defense attorney do their job. We welcome and encourage input and discussion involving the parents, but ultimately the criminal defense attorney from Woburn, Massachusetts is best trained and experienced in negotiating the process without interference.
Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help a Juvenile Avoid Being Sentenced?
Whatever the charge, we are committed to listening, advising and being with you through every step of the process to defend the juvenile’s rights and work together towards a successful conclusion.
Contant Law defends juvenile cases in Middlesex, Essex and Suffolk counties including the following courts: Brookline Juvenile Court | Cambridge Juvenile Court | Chelsea Juvenile Court | Dorchester Juvenile Court | Essex County Juvenile Court | Lawrence Juvenile Court | Lowell Juvenile Court | Lynn Juvenile Court | Middlesex County Juvenile Court | Newburyport Juvenile Court | Salem Juvenile Court | Suffolk Juvenile Court | Waltham Juvenile Court | West Roxbury Juvenile Court