Being bitten by a dog can be a distressing experience that requires swift action for both your health and potential legal matters. Whether you’re a resident or just visiting Massachusetts, understanding the steps to take after a dog bite is crucial. This blog outlines the essential actions you should consider ensuring your well-being and protect your rights in the aftermath of a dog bite incident.

  1. Prioritize Your Health

The first and foremost step after a dog bite is to prioritize your health and safety. Even seemingly minor bites can lead to infections and complications. Seek medical attention as soon as you can.

  1. Identify the Dog and Owner

If possible, obtain the dog owner’s contact information and gather details about the dog, including its breed, size, color, and any unique markings. This information will be valuable for legal purposes.

  1. Document the Incident

Preserve evidence by documenting the incident thoroughly. Use your smartphone or camera to take clear pictures of:

– Your injuries immediately after the bite.

– The location where the incident occurred.

– Any contributing factors, such as an unrestrained dog or unsafe premises.

  1. Seek Witnesses

If there were any witnesses to the incident, obtain their names and contact information. Their testimony can provide valuable support for your version of events.

  1. Report the Incident

Contact your local animal control agency or police department to report the dog bite. This step is essential for public safety and could prevent future incidents involving the same dog.  They may also be able to provide you or your attorneys information about any past history involving this dog or its owner.  This information could be useful in your case.

  1. Seek Legal Counsel

After addressing your immediate health concerns, consult with a personal injury attorney who specializes in dog bite cases in Massachusetts. An experienced attorney can help you understand your rights, guide you through the legal process, and ensure you receive proper compensation if applicable.

  1. Document Medical Treatment

Keep a record of all medical treatments and expenses related to the dog bite, including doctor visits, medications, and therapy sessions. These documents will play a critical role in calculating damages later on.

  1. Legal Consultation

Your attorney will help you evaluate the circumstances and assess whether you have grounds for a legal claim. If you decide to pursue a claim for compensation, your attorney will guide you through the appropriate legal channels.


A dog bite can be a traumatic experience, but taking the right steps can ensure your well-being and protect your legal rights. Prioritize your health, gather evidence, seek legal counsel, and be proactive in pursuing the necessary actions to secure the compensation you deserve. Working with a knowledgeable attorney will provide the guidance you need during this challenging time. If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of our attorneys about your case, please call or text (61) 227-8383.