What Is the Main Goal of the Massachusetts Juvenile Justice System?
In Massachusetts, the laws are different when managing adult and juvenile justice cases. Punishment is usually emphasized in adult cases, while in juvenile cases, endeavors to rehabilitate these young offenders. Therefore, if professionally represented, most juveniles receive special consideration due to their young age and psychological development.
You should note that the Massachusetts juvenile justice system’s primary mission is to offer rehabilitation and support to young offenders who are accused of ommitting crimes. Particular attention is paid to any possible underlying factors contributing to delinquency. The Massachusetts court uses counseling, education, or other interventions and vehemently strives to steer the youth away from crime and encourage them to live productive and fulfilling lives.
Rehabilitation is stressed in the courts and is a crucial part of the Massachusetts juvenile justice system. Often, with the proper and skilled legal representation, tailored individualized plans may be offered to cater to each youthful offender’s needs, such as counseling services, educational programs, vocational training opportunities, substance abuse treatment, mental health support, and more.
The entire purpose is to address delinquency at its source and reduce recidivism rates among juvenile offenders. Still, the guidance of a knowledgeable and passionate juvenile criminal defense lawyer is necessary.
What Are Some Initial Steps in the Massachusetts Juvenile Court Proceedings?
For Massachusetts juvenile court proceedings to proceed, an initial complaint must be submitted as a formal charge against a juvenile. Any offense must be detailed and comprehensive and can be filed by law enforcement officers or sometime sought individuals who claim to be the victim of the crime. After the complaint is sought, the juvenile may be entitled to a clerk magistrate’s hearing prior to the complaint being issued, if the charge sought is a misdemeanor and the child was nor arrested. If the alleged crime is a felony, the juvenile will usually be summoned to court for arraignment and the beginning of the formal court process.
Also, Massachusetts juvenile courts must determine jurisdiction for a juvenile case based on the child’s age and the nature of their offense. If the juvenile is over the age of 14 and the crime is gun charge, crime if violence or one of certain enumerated felonies, it could lead to the child being tried as a Youthful Offender, which has more severe penalties, including adult prison time.
For dire crimes, such as murder, most juveniles 14 or over may be automatically tried as adults. This is another area where the input and management of a criminal defense attorney is highly significant.
What Are Some of the First Steps a Parent Should Take When Their Child is Arrested in Massachusetts?
First, you must note that you, as a parent (or guardian) can play a significant part in any Massachusetts juvenile court proceedings. Your empathetic and supportive participation will help to ensure your child’s health, well-being, and best interests during this arduous process.
Parents (and legal guardians) have significant rights and are entitled to attend all court proceedings concerning their children. This includes all hearings, conferences, or meetings related to your child and getting the experience, support, and knowledge of a criminal defense lawyer with extensive experience in juvenile law.
Of course, these parental rights come with specific responsibilities, such as ensuring their child attends all court appearances and always meets any conditions set by the judge (or probation officers, social workers, or other officials) involved in their case.
As a parent, you should endeavor to work (with the valued help of your juvenile defense lawyer) in all aspects of your child’s case.
For example, some direct interactions if your child has been arrested in Massachusetts are:
- Confer with the authorities about your child’s arrest charges, etc.
- Encourage your child to invoke their constitutionally rights against self-incrimination and to a lawyer immediately,
- Always be in the room during all police interrogations.
- Make sure you support your child by visiting them in a detention center.
- Accompany your child to all their juvenile court hearings.
- Additionally, when circumstances demand it, and your lawyer agrees, speak at their hearing.
This process is always emotionally charged and can profoundly affect your child and family. Therefore, the details of their case and defense strategies should always be discussed with your criminal defense lawyer before you go to court.
If My Child Is a First-Time Offender, Will They Go to Jail?
When your child is arrested, your first thought is that they will go to jail. However, you can rest assured that, with the right juvenile criminal defense lawyer, in most cases, this will not occur (and if they do, they will not be facing “hard time”).
Your well-versed, experienced criminal defense lawyer will explain that many alternative programs are available, and, as stated, the juvenile court’s mission always focuses more on rehabilitation and assistance. Your lawyer will analyze the case and always look for sound, legal, and acceptable ways to help the court correct a juvenile’s bad behavior rather than punishing or isolating them.
Massachusetts juvenile courts manage cases for children between 12 and 18. They offer many varied diversion programs and probationary statuses that, over time, could result in a dismissal of their case.
However, juvenile criminal cases can be highly complex and should never be taken lightly. It’s a statistical fact that having passionate, experienced, and diligent professional representation results in significantly more favorable outcomes.
What Are Diversion Programs and How Can They Help My Child If They’re Charged?
Massachusetts provides diverse and substantive diversion programs for juveniles who have committed crimes. These diversion programs offer positive alternatives to conventional court proceedings and focus on rehabilitation rather than child punishment.
For example, some diversion programs may include community service, counseling, educational programs, and restorative justice efforts to address the root issues that may have caused the delinquency. Your passionate and knowledgeable juvenile justice lawyer will know the programs in place that could help your child avoid jail time, etc.
However, suppose the juvenile offender does get into a diversion program but continues delinquent behavior or fails to finish it. In that case, the court may require additional intervention and supervision for rehabilitation.
You must note that not all juvenile offenders qualify for diversion programs. These juveniles may end up in jail, but if they enter and successfully complete the diversion program, they could have no further court involvement! Getting your child placed on the proper diversion program is an area in which the professional help of your juvenile criminal defense lawyer will be invaluable.
My Child Has Been Charged with a Criminal Offense in Massachusetts; How Should I Proceed?
Juvenile criminal cases are incredibly stressful for parents and your entire family. If your child is convicted, their current future is in jeopardy, but so is their future, as these records may follow them for the rest of their lives.
Juvenile cases are always severe and emotionally distressing. Still, with the help of a highly skilled, diligent, and compassionate criminal defense lawyer, your child has the best possible chance of having the best legal outcome.
The juvenile defense lawyers at Contant Law P.C. are genuinely and passionately committed to listening to your concerns, analyzing your child’s case, and working diligently with you and your child toward the best legal outcome possible.
Call them today at 617-221-8221 for a free consultation on your unique case. You must have your child’s future in competent, professional, and compassionate legal hands at this dire and challenging time.