Being stopped for suspected drunk driving in Massachusetts can be a nerve-wracking and potentially life-altering situation. It is crucial to know your rights, understand the state’s laws, and handle the encounter with law enforcement appropriately. By following best practices, you can protect your rights, ensure a fair process, and navigate the situation as smoothly as possible. In this blog, we will discuss the best practices for a person stopped for suspected drunk driving in Massachusetts, empowering you with the knowledge to handle the situation effectively.

  1. Remain Calm and Cooperative:

Maintaining composure is essential during a suspected drunk driving stop in Massachusetts. Stay calm, be respectful, and cooperate with law enforcement officers. Avoid arguing, becoming confrontational, or exhibiting aggressive behavior, as it may escalate the situation and lead to further complications.  Such behavior may also be used against you in court by the prosecutor to attempt to prove you were intoxicated.

  1. Provide Required Documentation:

When requested by law enforcement, provide your driver’s license and vehicle registration.  It is best to have these documents out and ready to hand to the officer when he or she approaches your vehicle.  Failure to provide these documents may result in additional charges or penalties. Cooperate with reasonable requests and follow instructions given by the officer.

  1. Be Mindful of Your Words:

During the interaction with law enforcement, it is important to choose your words carefully.  Less is more.  The officers are documenting both what you say and how you say it.  The less you speak, the harder it will be for them to claim your speech was slurred or you were otherwise speaking in an incoherent manner. Avoid making self-incriminating statements or admissions of guilt, such as the amount of alcohol you consumed.  You have the right to remain silent and can and should exercise that right.  Remember, it is highly unlikely that you will talk your way out of this, so don’t even try.

  1. Field Sobriety Tests and Breathalyzer Tests:

In Massachusetts, you have the right to refuse field sobriety tests, such as walking in a straight line, standing on one leg, reciting the alphabet, portable breath test, etc.  This will help to limit the evidence against you in court. Also, there is no penalty for refusing field sobriety tests.   Further, your refusal will never be used against you in court.  So always refuse field sobriety tests!

  1. Breathalyzer Tests:

Our advice is also to always refuse any breathalyzer test.  It is our opinion that the breathalyzer machines are inaccurate.  This has also been demonstrated by many recent court cases.  By not taking the test you will also limit the prosecutor’s evidence against you.  But you should know that refusal to take a breathalyzer test, also known as a breath test or chemical test, can result in a suspension of your driver’s license under the state’s implied consent law. The length of that suspension will depend on which DUI it is.  For instance, for a first offense refusing the breathalyzer test or blood test will result in a suspension of your driver’s license for 180 days.  The suspensions are much longer for 2nd and 3rd offenses, etc. It is advisable to consult with an attorney before deciding whether to take or refuse a breathalyzer test.

  1. Request Legal Representation:

If you are arrested or charged with drunk driving in Massachusetts, it is crucial to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Contact an experienced DUI defense attorney who is familiar with Massachusetts laws and can guide you through the legal process. Your attorney will protect your rights, analyze the evidence against you, and build a strong defense strategy on your behalf.

  1. Document the Stop:

If possible, document the details of the stop, including the date, time, location, officer’s name and badge number, and any other relevant information. You can use your cell phone or other camera to video or otherwise record the stop as well.  This documentation may serve as valuable evidence and help ensure a fair process. However, always prioritize your safety and the safety of others over recording the stop.

  1. Understand Massachusetts DUI Laws:

Familiarize yourself with Massachusetts’ drunk driving laws, including the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit, penalties for DUI offenses, and potential consequences such as license suspension. Understanding the laws will help you make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect your rights.


When stopped for suspected drunk driving in Massachusetts, it is crucial to approach the situation with caution and adhere to best practices to protect your rights and ensure a fair process. Stay calm, cooperate with law enforcement to a reasonable extent, be mindful of your words, and seek legal representation promptly. Understanding Massachusetts’ DUI laws and having an experienced DUI defense attorney by your side will help you navigate the legal process and work toward the best possible outcome. Remember, never drink and drive, and always prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (617) 227-8383.